
Google lets you blow out the candles with the microphone of your smartphone on the day of your birthday

English - February 11, 2017

Image 1. Google lets you blow out the candles with the microphone of your smartphone on the day of your birthday

Google is full of small details, most of them already know and, in addition, are curious. the Google Doodle is one of the largest accumulations of curiosities that you can find in our favorite operating system, thanks to that small hidden tricks or ‘easter eggs’.

on The day of our birthday is special, because we are a year older, we get to the top of the pie, we do gifts and all of the world we welcomed. Google can remember your birthday, but did you know that you can blow out the candles through the microphone of your smartphone?

it Is a curiosity that a user called in Google Plus Czifra János discovered the team of the Android Police makes very little. I myself have tested and it works, you can do the same if you want. You only have to change in to your Google account, the date of your birthday to the current day.

Image 2. Google lets you blow out the candles with the microphone of your smartphone on the day of your birthday

If you don’t know how to do this, go to settings, go into ‘Google’, then ‘personal Information and privacy’ and modify the day and month of your date of birth. After this go to the app of Google and tap on the letters, which will be transformed into candles that you can turn off by blowing one of the microphones, after which it displays the search to the current day.

it is Not the ‘easter egg’ that will revolutionize the technology, but it is a curiosity that you might want to know. Only Google knows how many easter eggs the more there will be hiding, waiting for you to discover it. Did you even know this curiosity of Google Doodle?

Via | Android Police
Xataka Android | How to be aware of the games and videos of the Doodles Google with your mobile

The news Google lets you blow out the candles with the microphone of your smartphone on the day of your birthday was originally published in Xataka Android by Santiago Luque.

Xataka Android