
Oliver Atom without Legs: The Tragic End of ‘Champions’ is in Fact a Fascinating Myth

English - September 16, 2018

Image 1. Oliver Atom without Legs: The Tragic End of ‘Champions’ is in Fact a Fascinating Myth

For fans of the manga and anime series ‘Captain Tsubasa,’ known in some regions as ‘Champions,’ the character Oliver Atom (Tsubasa Oozora) represents the pinnacle of perseverance and football prowess. However, a persistent myth has surrounded the series, claiming that Oliver Atom loses his legs in a dramatic twist. This article explores the origins of this myth, its spread, and the truth behind the story.

The Myth of Oliver Atom’s Lost Legs

There are many who believe that Oliver Atom lost his legs at the end of ‘Champions to the World Cup,’ the fourth series adaptation of the manga by Yōichi Takahashi. This belief stems from an episode that supposedly aired only once, generating huge controversy. It’s amazing, really, to think that such a thing could happen in a children’s series. It’s impossible not to feel drawn to wanting to believe it, but the problem is that it is a lie.

The Alleged Episode

The myth is that Oliver woke up at the end of the last episode of ‘Champions to the World’ without legs in a hospital bed, implying that his entire career as a footballer had been a dream, since an accident in his childhood had left him in that state. This insane twist went even further than ‘Los Serrano’ and led to several video montages attempting to convincingly support it. Here is one:

How the Myth Was Forged

The spread of this myth can be attributed to various factors, including fan speculation and edited videos that aimed to look like authentic episodes. One such video can be found here:

The Truth Behind the Myth

At the end of ‘Champions to the World,’ we see the Japanese team about to face the Brazilian team, a dream come true for Oliver, who was playing in Spain for a team equivalent to today’s Barcelona, while Mark Lenders was in Italy and Benji Price in Germany. Yes, the epilogue focuses on the clash against Brazil, the outcome of which we never see, and it was not part of the manga.

In addition, the author of the manga debunked this myth in an interview with The Trade, stating that Oliver does not lose his legs. He commented:

I found out about that legend a little while ago. But those scenes that went viral are not real, they are just jokes that are part of a myth. It was not my story.

Author’s Clarification

It is therefore confirmed that Oliver Atom never lost his legs. It is true that Takahashi had already played with unexpected elements such as the heart of Julian Ross—all fans remember that episode ending with his heartbeat—but this was going too far, especially as a possible end for the series. And I say possible because currently, ‘Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun’ is still being published, with Oliver aiming to be part of Japan’s Olympic team.

Impact of the Myth

The myth of Oliver Atom losing his legs has had a significant impact on fans and pop culture. Despite being debunked, it continues to be a topic of discussion among long-time followers and new viewers alike. The idea of a beloved character experiencing such a dramatic and tragic fate has fueled countless fan theories and discussions online. This urban legend speaks to the power of storytelling and the deep emotional connections that fans form with characters over time.

The Power of Fan Speculation

Fan speculation and creative reinterpretations play a major role in how stories evolve beyond their original narratives. The Oliver Atom myth showcases how fans can create alternate realities based on their perceptions and desires for more dramatic or emotionally charged storylines. While these speculations can be entertaining, they also highlight the need for clear communication from creators to maintain the integrity of their stories.


In conclusion, the story of Oliver Atom losing his legs is nothing more than a fascinating myth, perpetuated by fan speculation and creative editing. The true narrative of ‘Captain Tsubasa’ remains intact, with Oliver continuing his journey as a footballer without any such tragic twist. This myth serves as a testament to the impact of storytelling and the powerful connections fans form with fictional characters. As ‘Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun’ continues, fans can look forward to more adventures with Oliver and his pursuit of football greatness.