
The best grammar checker review

Business, English - April 1, 2019

Image 1. The best grammar checker review
Why do writers have to check their texts?

Certainly, many writers who earn money through freelance academic writing jobs often came across the bait of their own self-confidence, when it seemed that the text was perfect, and after reading by another person there were elementary typos, not to mention larger defects. Whatever the trained and experienced copywriter is, the personal analysis of the finished material is not enough. It’s hard to see mistakes in your text – and this is a fact. Why waste time on ineffective checks and risk reputation in the eyes of the customer if there are special services for online grammar check on the Internet? They help to identify and fix errors. Having passed through the material, the author will figure out in a matter of seconds whether everything is in order with such parameters as:

  • Uniqueness;
  • Literacy;
  • Readability.

Spell Check Tools.

There are many grammar and punctuation checking tools. They differ only in the interface and a set of dictionaries. Dictionaries are important for checking new words – some programs already know them, others do not yet. However, on average, the picture is about the same.

During spell checking, the program compares each word with a dictionary. If the word is not in the dictionary, the program indicates an error. Some tools just underline the word, but most of them offer replacement options. If an error in the word led to the formation of another word that exists in the dictionary, the program will not notice anything.

Agree that it would be financially unprofitable for an ordinary copywriter to use the services of human editors or professional proofreaders to check their texts. The only way out is to find a grammar and punctuation checker that suits your needs. We have prepared a brief overview of the most popular online writing tool – Grammarly.

Grammarly is a functional web proofreader that checks grammar sooner than you think, finds all lexical, stylistic and spelling errors in English texts, and then offers several options for editing. The list of functions also includes such interesting features as adapting texts for a specific style: scientific, artistic or conversational, as well as tracking plagiarism, searching and correcting contextual errors, replacing incorrect speech turns.

Such multifunctionality is not accidental, because professional philologists and linguists were invited to the service development team. Thanks to their support, Grammarly surpasses the well-known Google Translater, Ginger and their lesser-known counterparts in many ways.

The program is presented in three options at once: a regular web service, an application for checking texts in Outlook and Word for Windows 2007, 2010, 2013, and as extensions for Firefox and Chrome browsers.

The principle of operation of extensions and desktop applications is about the same: after installing the program, the text option of the same name appears on the toolbar. Clicking on it activates the main function of Grammarly, and the program starts viewing the typed text in the editor, after which all errors are highlighted in green or red, and a field with error correction options appears on the right side of the screen.

This grammar correctorworks very well: all typos, stylistic, spelling and grammatical errors will be found instantly. According to the developers, Grammarly finds more than 250 types of errors and stylistic inaccuracies. For the most difficult cases, after sentence grammar check the service provides explanations and offers several replacement options at once.

The disadvantages of the corrector include the lack of mobile applications. The solution to this problem is to use the usual web version of the service – Here, on this page, you can learn more about the possibilities and options for the service. It is interesting, that in the form of browser extensions, Grammarly in the background regime checks all English texts and messages typed by the user without exception. In addition, he reviews posts and comments on Facebook, Gmail and Tumblr, and then unobtrusively offers to correct errors and inaccuracies.

This service will be useful not only for those who regularly communicate with English-speaking users or write articles in this language, but also to those who seriously learn English, because the corrector algorithms not only find errors, but also explain in detail the rules. The service is presented in paid and free versions, and although the premium subscription has wider functionality, the free analog is quite enough for a regular check.

To give a summary we cite the VIP-Writers’ editing expert Carl Stenson: “If it seems to you that you know the rules of the English language, this does not guarantee that you cannot make typos or even mistakes with some complicated words. Therefore, use the grammar and spell check program to check your texts before they are published, printed, or otherwise used, for not to blush with shame because of mistakes.”