
Yes, there are those who use WhatsApp for the shopping list, and this is the trick

English - January 22, 2020

Technology defines our present, while there are customs ‘times analog’ almost unchanged, as the go to the supermarket with a shopping list. A piece of paper that helps forgetful people will not find then at home without the product that much-needed (if there is forgetfulness always missing precisely that) or more packs of the account.are Also those that ‘are play’ and rely on their visual memory after a quick review of the state of the refrigerator and the pantry, this option is not recommended if the intense day has come to saturate and has left the obtuse mind.there are no shortage of those who already do not remember how it was that the paper and the pen and use the mobile for all. If you also can’t spend even a quarter of an hour without talking WhatsApp, the trick to use the chat of this social network, such as notepad, will find it useful.The idea passes by creating a group which, in the end being in solitude and, at that point, begin to write what I should buy. The dynamic is different in iOS and in Android.In the first case, go to ‘Create group’, select a contact within the ‘Add participants’ (as then drop off it is advisable to notify before the move and instrumental to not be surprised or upset) and give it to next. Then, we call the group like ‘shopping list’ (or with the occurrence that we want) and click on ‘Create’, after which there will be eliminated from the group the friend to stay alone.If you have Android, the path is the following: by clicking on the icon of the three points that appears in the upper right side of the magnifying glass, go to ‘New group’, choose the contact that will serve as the ‘guinea pig’, put the name of the group, give the green button to finish it and repeat the operation to delete the contact.