The teacher who stripped naked in the classroom

The case occurred in Oklahoma, USA, around October 2014 at Wagoner High School when campus boards hired 49-year-old Lorie Ann Hill a special class teacher.

The teacher who stripped naked in the classroom

The students were delighted

However, something atypical would happen when the woman arrived at work, on her first day of work because the teacher did not appear before the directives, as would be normal, to receive the respective indications, but once on campus, she went to a classroom and proceeded to lower his trousers, so that he was half-naked.

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Other teachers, noticing the situation, and because they did not know the new worker and the woman was in a state of liquor, they proceeded to call the police. Once the officers arrived,the woman was arrested and prosecuted for misdemeanors and released a few days later.

The teacher was found drunk and disoriented and told the officers that she had consumed alcoholic beverages in previous hours, possibly in her car where a cup with a marked smell of vodka was found. Fortunately for the woman, the classroom where she was introduced was empty, so she did not face aggravated charges.

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Bibliography ► (August 14, 2019). The teacher who stripped naked in the classroom. Recovered from