
Celebrities who aged badly

Curiosities - August 14, 2019

Aging is a natural process that affects both living and inert beings and, sooner rather than later, we will all go through that process.

Image 1. Celebrities who aged badly

However, sometimes it is reached into old age with an unusual deterioration, either from obesity or plastic surgery, or sometimes for a disorderly life or abuse of alcohol or drugs, which causes premature aging or appear ingeness In. In the group of famous people who aged badly there are several celebrities, actors, actresses and singers. Lets See:

Hugh Hefner

The founding tycoon of Playboy magazine in 1953.

Mick Jagger

One of the founders of the well-known British rock group The Rolling Stones.

Keith Richards

He is a multifaceted guitarist, also a member of the group The Rolling Stones.

Irma Serrano

Entrepreneur and artist, the vedette known as the tigress of the ranchera song.

Macaculay Culkin

Actor, widely known for his role in films such as Ricky Ricón and My Poor Angel.

Michael Jackson

The king of pop, his multiple surgeries gradually affected his face.

Goldie Hawn

Actress and producer, winner of an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for the film Flor de cactus.

Brigitte Bardot

Actress and singer of French origin. It was a sex symbol in the 1950s.

Kelly Le Brock

Model and actress, remembered for her role in The Girl in Red and Crazy Science.

Janice Dickinson

Self-proclaimed as the second supermodel in the world, she is an entrepreneur, actress and writer.

Mickey Rourke

Actor, screenwriter and boxer, winner of a Golden Globe and a Spirit Award for Best Actor.