
The first cloned dinosaur in history     

Curiosities - June 1, 2019

Science has obtained really impressive advances in the last decades. Whether for good or for bad, it is still not possible to know, but its development does not stop and is especially remarkable in the field of genetics.

Image 1. The first cloned dinosaur in history     

Jurasick Park would not be far from reality

On this occasion, and as if it were taken from a science fiction movie, we already have records of the first cloned dinosaur. This event has spread virally through social networks,causing many to generate apocalyptic and alarmist ideas, in the style of “Jurassic Park”.

The article that informed it for the first time, assures that scientists of the John Moore University, of Liverpool, keep in their laboratories a baby of Apotosaurus. The creation of this creature was possible thanks to the extraction of DNA from a fossil of this race of dinosaurs. There are those who say that it is a false information.

But this is not the only one of these extinct animals, apparently cloned by scientists. Most scholars of genetics experiments say they are happy about the multiple possibilities of playing with the genes of dinosaurs and believe they can create hundreds of varieties.

We will wait to see what else happens in this field. Other versions also speak of the possible cloning of mammoths that became extinct in a time as remote as the ice age, and that could come back to life, but this time from the hand of science.

All this is added to other cloning background as Dolly the sheep, whose news was covered by the mainstream media and went around the world, opening a huge debate between science vs. Ethics, at the time.

And you, what do you think of all this? Would it be nice to clone dinosaurs and mammoths, as well as other animal species?
