
The most intelligent woman in the world

Curiosities - May 27, 2022

In our current world no one doubts the ability to perform the same or even much better than men, which is ratified in many ways. And what can we say about her intelligence, an aspect that is well illustrated by the woman who is considered the most intelligent?

Image 1. The most intelligent woman in the world

She is Marilyn Vos Savant, born in San Luis, Missouri, on August 11, 1946, she became very famous after the Guinness Book of World Records cataloged her as “The Most Intelligent Woman in the World,” because her IQ ( IQ) is 228.8. Normally, an average adult has an IQ of 100.

On August 23, 1987, he married Robert Jarvik, pioneer of the artificial heart. The Jarvik-7, an artificial heart that developed in 1982, which has been used as an effective cardiac implant. Since the 1980s, Marilyn Vos Savant lives in Manhattan with her husband, children, son-in-law and granddaughters.

All her life she has been involved in intellectual activities, because from an early age her intelligence was appreciated by her parents and close friends. Currently, she works as a columnist, writer and novelist. She is quite well known since 1986 has a column of opinion in the magazine Parade, where readers ask questions relating to various issues. The column is called Ask Marilyn.

To make matters worse, has dabbled in the field of statistics; in the 90s he published a very famous solution in the Theory of Probability, about the problem of Monty Hall, which was analyzed by the employees of the CIA, MIT, the National Laboratory of Los Alamos and in more than a thousand American schools.

There is no doubt that this woman is an inspiration for many women and yes, why not say it, also for many men who would like to have an IQ as high as that of Marilyn Vos Savant.
