
Eight Ways a Smartphone Can Make Studying Easier

Business, English - December 7, 2019

Image 1. Eight Ways a Smartphone Can Make Studying Easier

As a new college or university student, life is about to change in a big way. Whether you are attending your classes in person, or you’ve opted for an online program, suddenly school is about to become a top priority in your life. With that comes a number of adjustments both in your schedule and mind-set. To help make life easier, and to make your studies possible, there is typically a whole host of items you’ll want and need to pick up. Things such as a desktop computer or laptop, printer, books, and all the items you need for a home study space will make the list. But did you know one of the most useful study tools is actually a relatively small device?

When it comes to the most-used and most convenient study tools out there, it’s hard to beat what a smartphone has to offer. Here’s a look at all the ways your smartphone can make studying and life as a student easier.

Access Your Assignments Any Time

One of the top ways a smartphone can make studying easier is the fact it allows you to access your assignments at any given time. Whether you’re sitting in the lecture hall and quickly need to read the assignment, are at home relaxing, at the library, or even out and about and just want to be sure you’ve for the details right – you can pull up your assignment details. Many of today’s higher learning institutions use an online learning management system for students, and if they don’t, you can always create your own so that you stay organized.

There’s also the fact you can access your assignments through online services such as Google Docs and Dropbox which allow you to pick up where you left off and keep working regardless of your location.

It really takes the problem of location out of the picture, as a smart phone works wherever you are.

Need to Take Notes – Use Your Phone

A big part of student life is learning how to take copious notes of all the important details. While notetaking is never going to be a fun activity, you can make it easier on yourself with your smartphone. Download a productivity or notetaking app, and suddenly your device will become your own personal assistant.

Again, once you’ve got the notes on your device or stored in the Cloud, you can then access them no matter where you are. You can even access those same notes on your laptop or desktop computer at home.

Never Forget What Was Said in a Lecture

If you attend your classes in person in a lecture hall, then you know better than anyone just how information-packed these lectures can be. While you’re still digesting the last sentence, the professor is already three points ahead. What this means is that it’s easy to miss key details, or even forget them later on. This is when your smartphone can come to the rescue again, as you can record voice notes.

Depending on your device and its storage capabilities, you can go ahead and record an entire lecture so you can then go home and transcribe it into complete notes. You won’t risk forgetting the key details, or skimming over things you didn’t quite catch.

Read Text Books on Your Device

This particular tip is especially true if you are enrolled in an online program where all your studies and assignments are done in an online environment. For example, if you are studying a robust program such as this Masters in Supply Chain Management online degree from Kettering University, there’s no doubt that your required reading list will be vast as you’ll be learning about logistics management, manufacturing, transport, exports, and imports. Being able to access that text on your mobile device means that whenever you’ve got free time, you can go ahead and get reading and studying. You don’t need to have your tablet or laptop with you.

Podcasts Can Also be Accessed

If your assigned studying also includes podcasts, then your smartphone is the perfect vessel for accessing them and listening to them. Just be sure you’ve got a set of earphones or earbuds handy so you can listen without disturbing others around you.

Make Use of Scheduling Apps

It’s quite normal to feel a bit stretched thin as a student, especially if your studies are only part of the responsibilities you are juggling. For those who are also holding down a job, trying to have a personal life, and of course look after errands and personal appointments at the same time, then a scheduling tool is an absolute necessity.

You can download a homework scheduling app that makes it possible for you to input all the due dates for assignments, your class schedule, create study blocks of time, schedule your errands, and more. You can also make use of timers and reminders to help keep you organized and on task.

The Internet Can Also Act as a Great Study Tool

Then there is the fact your smartphone provides you with instant and convenient access to the internet. The internet is still one of the best study tools out there, allowing you to access research, information, published papers, and more.

Chat with Fellow Students and Professors

Depending on the school you attend, you may also be able to chat with your professor, the professor’s assistant, your school librarian, and of course your fellow students. Whether it be through email, through a phone call, or an online study group, you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers very quickly. This can help to clear up any issues or confusion you may have while studying and completing assignments without having to wait until the next class to chat with people.

A Powerful and Smart Tool

When it comes down to it, your smartphone is among one of the most powerful, useful, and smart tools you can own as a student. It is incredibly versatile in the ways it can help you study, and it can help you to stay organized and on-task.