
The creator of Star Citizen supports Elite: Dangerous and No Man’s Sky

English - December 21, 2014

Believes there are multiple simulators market for space exploration.
Chris Roberts, father of classical Wing Commander and the current Star Citizen Citizen , which expects to reach its version completed in 2015, believes that there is enough space for other games space exploration as Elite: Dangerous and No Man’s Sky .
In fact, Roberts congratulated the team of Frontier Developments end and launch your game , cited above Elite: Dangerous and has been welcomed because” space simulators finally receive the care they deserve “

“I know many users who have financially supported Star Citizen imagine that there will be intense competition between our game and yours,” said Roberts. “Could not be more wrong”
And that Roberts explained that they backed and supported the campaign finance Elite: Dangerous just as Frontier Developments team they supported them during the funding process “because all believe that the world is better with more games for PC and even better with more space games “. In fact, stressed that both this title as No Man’s Sky , up to PS4, give more oxygen to the genus .
Roberts recalls that” in the years Ninety had market leftovers for multiple spatial simulators and no reason you can not be so far I’ve always said you can not be successful if you only make a game;. part of the reasons why I came back from the film industry was to build a game in a genre I love, hoping to remind people how wonderful it is lost in another universe and adventures in the stars. So do not worry Elite or No Man’s Sky . I welcome. It has taken a long time, but space simulators finally receive the care they deserve
