
The trailer for season 4 of ‘Vis a Vis’ brings back to Macarena

English - September 9, 2018

Image 1. The trailer for season 4 of ‘Vis a Vis’ brings back to Macarena

cancellation of ‘Vis a Vis’ by a part of Antenna 3 was just as painful as a great joy of his fans to learn that Fox España had decided to resurrect the series for a third season. The new episodes were released the past month of April and came to an end in June, being then garantizada a fourth season that you just appear your trailer.

The breakthrough follows a similar formula to that at the end of each episode: very intense, close-ups and also reveals a lot in itself of what we expected, but that gives us some clue. However, everything is dwarfed to the return of Macarena (Maggie Civantos). The third season dropped something on the level after his forced disappearance, and hopefully here to have your limelight as usual.

in Addition, the return of Sandoval (Ramiro Blas) after the amputation suffered in the third season-empted an inevitable confrontation with Saray (Alba Flores), who has already finished the third season in a delicate situation next to Zulema (Najwa Nimri). Also returns to the series Palaces (Alberto Velasco), who let us not forget that he started a relationship with the former Fabio (Roberto Enriquez) in the second season. In addition, join ‘Vis a Vis’ Benjamin Vicuña, Cristina Marcos and Georgina Amorós

For now, Fox has not wanted to nail down the exact date of the premiere of the fourth season of ‘Vis a Vis’, as it only has been pointed out that the new episodes will be in 2019. I imagine that will wanted to reserve that information for when they release the next trailer.

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The news The trailer for season 4 of ‘Vis a Vis’ brings back to Macarena was originally published in Espinof by Mikel Zorrilla.