What happens when the body dies
Death is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic events that every living being exp...
Oliver, the chimpanzee who wanted to be a human being...
During the years of colonialism and exploration, when part of the globe remained hid...
The Real Ghost Ship: The Legend of the "Queen Mary"...
A haunted luxury ship This huge English ship built in 1937, which has crossed the...
Plants and eggs faint Research on plant feelings...
If there is something in this world that is mysterious, it is plants. Anyone would t...
The most mysterious mountain in America: The Gate of the Gods: Le...
The Rock of Juaica: portals to another world It is a relatively common tradition ...
Science announces the discovery of Noah's Ark...
The official science has astonished the whole world, with a great discovery they cla...
The world's most fanatical sects
Cults are distinguished from religious cults because they are inspired by the teachi...
The most enigmatic book in history Voynich Manuscript...
One of the most enigmatic and interesting ancient objects found by seasoned archaeol...